Saturday, July 24, 2010

20 days later

So while I was getting the pictures off of my phone for the last entry (see: last entry) I realized that 218 pictures is enough so I saved them all to the computer.  108 of these pictures are from the Fourth of July, so click here and enjoy the show!

The danger of making fried chicken

So I got burnt at work this morning.  I was breading chicken and putting them into the fryer, and I got splashed on.  This actually happens pretty regularly, but it usually just feels no worse than a bee sting and I move on.  But this time I got a good splash on my left wrist and it HURT LIKE A FUCKING BITCH!  So yeah, I had to take a picture of it

 8:31 AM

It doesn't look that bad now.  I cooled it off and sprayed lidocaine on it, which killed the pain instantly.  Phew, I didn't know that stuff worked that well.  If you look in the middle of the red splotch, you may be able to notice the dead skin bubble.  If you can't see it, here's a better look a couple hours later:

10:55 AM

That is a good size blister.  By now this thing doesn't really hurt at all, unless I get it near a heat source.  I'm cooking stuff all the time, so yeah, it still hurt for a bit.

Now I've been working and cooking for a while and the blister gets scraped against my shirt and opens, so I do what moms tell us not to do, I picked at it:

1:13 PM

I'll keep it clean, no problems.  Maybe I'll put some peroxide on it later to help keep it sterile.  It definitely looks worse than it feels.  I'll be okay.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Truly terrifying

I am afraid for my kids.  I am afraid for their future.  I am literally terrified at the thought of putting them into the public school system.  Why?  Read this.  The part I want to emphasize is the middle part about the kids, but the rest is scary too.  Read it please, I'll wait...

...scary huh?  You can think whatever you want about Glenn Beck, but I don't see how anyone can think this is okay.  Sure, it's good to encourage kids to believe they can achieve whatever they set their mind to, but to praise Obama over and over and over like he made it all possible?  Like he's the fucking messiah?  I don't know what you call it, but I call it INDOCTRINATION, and I'll be damned if my kids "learn" that garbage from their school.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello.. is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me...

So my new site is running now.  I'm trying to keep up on things, but I don't know if it's really for anything.  I suppose it's normal to feel doubt when trying something new, so if anyone actually reads me, just give me a thumbs up after this post (see below), and/or post a comment.  I would like to know who (if any) my audience is.  As Ozzy Osbourne said (in Brutal Legend), "Don't be a stranger!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm not sure who this kid is, but she's got great taste in music.

New Mortal Kombat movie in the works? YES!

This looks absolutely fucking amazing.  Considering the production quality of this thing it definitely looks like Mortal Kombat is getting the re-boot up the ass it needs and has grown up.  No more cheesy fantasy otherworldly crap here.  This is looking real and gritty blended with a classic game franchise from our past.  If the rest of the movie looks this amazing, I'm watching it opening day.

Monday, May 31, 2010

On quitting Facebook

If you don't understand what's wrong with Facebook, read this, oh and this.  Things are getting scary.  Yeah, I could (and did) set my privacy settings where I was comfortable, but I still don't like thinking all my info was public until I did so.  Facebook doesn't really care about its users, it's just looking to use our information to get more money.  They're trying to spread further into the web to collect more information from us, and I don't want to be a part of it anymore.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Grand Tour

I will (try to) make regular posts over here while sending occasional tweets, which can be viewed down below.  Leave comments as you like below the posts.... not really much else yet, but all in good time.

Do you smell that?

That's the new blog smell.